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How To Use Rejections To Your Advantage In 5 Powerful Ways


  Rejections are part of life and it doesn’t get to define who you are as a person. Everyone faces rejection one way or the other regardless of class, race, colour and gender. It is a natural phenomenon in all cultures and climes.
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Sometimes, our project proposal, request for a date, request for aid, job application and so on might be rejected by people or groups whom we feel ought to accept our request. Rejections don’t mean you’re a failure or a loser. Rather, rejection is an opportunity to become better. Taking rejection too serious can make you undermine yourself, neglect your strengths and cause you to be blind to the things and people you have. Rejections can be certainly painful, but it is not deciding factor for being successful. Your success is 90 per cent within, and 10 per cent outside. In this article, I am going to teach you how to use rejections to your advantage in five proven ways.
  1. Understand The Fact The Rejection Happens To Everyone

Everyone goes through rejection. It is not peculiar to you. Rejection is experienced by people of all races, classes, colours and genders. Even people you think have got it all together, face rejections too. Rejection is not strange to anyone, it is part of life. When you have this at the back of your mind, you will stop beating yourself to death over rejection. All you need to do is to know the reasons for your rejection and live your life accordingly.
  1. Embrace Your Rejections

The next step towards using rejection to your advantage is to embrace and not regret it, even if you’re responsible for it. If it was your fault, it is okay, the truth is that we have our faults. But in a case where it is not your fault, embrace it. It is a way not to let it take the most of you. See it as a motivation to move ahead. If you keep sulking over it, you will only hurt yourself the more. Never take rejections personally.
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  1. See Rejections As Opportunities To Learn

Rejections carry so many messages. Rejection is an opportunity to put right what you got wrong. It is an opportunity to begin afresh wiser, learning what went wrong, going back to the drawing board and noting your errors and fixing them. It might be that you didn’t follow the right procedures, rules, and so on. Study your rejections and learn from them. Rejections used properly make you wiser.
  1. Rejections Means Try Again

Don’t let the fear of rejection stop you from going for what you want. Rejection means try again, keep fighting, it means you’re faced with a conquerable obstacle. Rejection does not define you. It is a phase and not a life sentence. Fear of rejection is the real war and not rejection itself. Rejections are motivators if used wisely.
  1. Use Rejections As Compass

Rejection can point you in a new direction, an unexplored direction, an unknown opportunity. Rejections mean looking elsewhere, changing your strategies, or consulting with the right persons and materials. It can be a calling to look inward as you look outwards. Featured Image Source: iStock
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