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How To Edit Your 2022 Goals

Rickhoff & Associates

  2022 is right around the corner, and it’s that time of the year where everyone is set to create goals for the new year. Wait for a minute, How about your goals for this year? How is your journey to smashing them going? Not so bad I hope.
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Why set goals? Goals help you measure your progress in your business or anything else you are dedicated to working on. Goals also keep you on your toes at all times. Are your goals very ambitious or maybe not? It doesn’t matter, what matters is that you get to see these goals come to fruition, every one of them. So how about making your goal setting journey different next year? No more setting of goals only for them to fizzle out before the end of January or maybe March. One of the principal responsibilities of leadership is defining goals for the vast majority of people who are not able to do it for themselves, in this case- your team members/employees. What are your business goals for 2022? Would you like to reach more customers or maybe totally rebrand your business? Setting these goals doesn’t have to be complicated, check out these few steps to help you edit your goals: Your first step would be to list out the goals as clearly as possible. They could either be short term goals or long term goals. Writing down your goals will move your ideas to the forefront of your consciousness. Now that you can see them, it would be easier to work on them. Your goals may look very ambiguous, until you break them down into achievable steps that can be achieved weekly or monthly. For example, if you would like to have a furniture store in 2022, How do you plan to raise the capital? Where do you plan to find your target audience? Where do you source your working materials from? Achieving each step should bring you closer to your main goal.
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Noting your strength and weaknesses allows you to be prepared for mistakes that are bound to happen, and it also helps you maximize your strength in the best way possible. Note what your current team is capable of and how you can handle any major pitfall that occurs. How do you plan to actualize these goals? Think about all the questions that need to be answered in order to see your goals with clarity. Do you intend to have employees or would you run the business entirely by yourself? What would the store look like? How big will it be, and how do you plan to make all these happen? For each goal, write down the amount of time you think it will take to achieve. What makes it a goal is that it has a time frame attached to it. This would make you time conscious about everything you do. It is now time to put your words into action, take that first step, make things happen, raise that capital, make that call. Delegate if you have to, but do all that needs to be done, and then, keep moving. See it through to completion. Occasionally, learn to reevaluate and track your progress. Instead of making goals that do not end up being achieved, make up your mind to do something different this time. Remain disciplined and think critically about each goal you would be setting for the year. Goals are a lifelong process, that’s what makes it so challenging, but then, it also makes it very rewarding to finally attain your goals. Have a great year ahead! Featured Image Source: Rickhoff & Associates
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