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How to Develop a Great Brand Identity

The concept of branding is by no means a new one. However, with the ever increasing availability of substitutes for most products, including your own, the only way to keep up is to develop and maintain a brand identity that will stay etched on the minds of your customers and potential clients. Unfortunately, designers, inventors, and investors in recent times are in a dilemma similar to that which artists and writers have grappled with for decades: there’s nothing left, or at least, that’s the way it seems. Even then, several smashing brands are still coming up daily while a lot of old ones have continued to keep the buzz they once started with, stirred. Great brands are easy to identify, their mission is clear, and it promotes that sought-after customer loyalty which all businesses crave. That said, below are seven tips to help you get started on developing an incredible and unforgettable brand identity. A brand is one of the most important fixed assets of a business, and it must be carefully fashioned to ensure it accurately represents the business, and resonates with the anticipated customer base. The true value of a brand identity lies in the view of your target customers and building one is about knowing who you are, where you fit in and what differentiates you from competitors. Once you have that figured out, every other thing starts to fall into place.  
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