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How Sports Prepares You for Entrepreneurship

It is no news again that the unemployment level, particularly among youths, is alarmingly high. The President Goodluck Jonathan-led Government tried to curb this problem through the encouragement of entrepreneurship and small business development. As a result, many Nigerian youths have embraced entrepreneurship as an alternative career choice. Participating in sports can actually help prepare the Nigerian youth for entrepreneurship. Personally, I have been playing and watching sports since I was 5. Even though I don’t get to play and watch sports as much as I would like anymore, I have come to realise there are interesting similarities between sports and entrepreneurship.
  1. Passion This is a very key element in sports. If you are passionate to be the best in the sports you love, you can take that passion into everything you do, including entrepreneurship. A passionate person is always ready to go extra miles and get things done. This is essential in entrepreneurship. Most entrepreneurs are driven by a passion for their business. It is the force that keeps them working when things are falling apart.
  2. Work Ethic Sports is the epitome of hard work, desire and dedication. Sometimes talent is just not enough. There is a common saying that “Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.” Sports can prepare one for the rigours and uncertainty that comes with the entrepreneurial journey. Take heed the words of Derek Jeter, former American baseballer, “There may be people that have more talent than you but there is no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.”
  3. Preparation Former American swimmer and nine-time Olympic champion, Mark Spitz once said, “If you fail to prepare, you are prepared to fail.” Preparation is crucial in sports. Every sportsman trains and prepares very hard to have a competitive edge over his closest rivals. The same happens in business; it is hard to see a successful entrepreneur wake up one day and start a business the next. He must develop his invention idea into a product, find the right market for his product, determine how to reach them and also come up with a detailed plan on how to beat his/her competition, and that takes time and effort. It must be said that preparation is not a guarantee that one will be successful but it increases the odds. Also, nothing leads to failure quite as often as analysis paralysis. Always remember the words of late Joe Paterno, American college football hall of Famer “the will to win is important but the will to prepare is vital.”
  4. Self-Confidence Self-confidence, not self-obsession, is crucial to success in all aspects of life. Without self-confidence, we struggle to fit in. Sports help raise the confidence level of an individual and this can trickle into all areas of the individual’s life. According to Dan O’Brien, former American decathlete and Olympic Gold medallist, “For many of us, who struggle with ‘fitting in’ or our identity – sports gives us our first face of confidence. That first bit of confidence can be a gateway to many other great things.” An entrepreneur must be self-confident to the zenith of his/her endeavours. This allows one to take calculated risks but without self-confidence one will be scared to take risks and even if/when you do, nobody will believe in the risks you take.
  5. Self-Discipline This is one special quality that many successful people have acknowledged can lead to greater success, accomplishment and happiness in life. No personal goal or achievement can be reached without self-discipline. Lou Holtz, American College Football Hall of Famer, once said, “Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.” Weakness for the bottle and women, drugs and gambling have ruined so many people. Sports can help one develop the self-discipline that can lead to success in all areas of life. This is in line with the words of Bob Cousy, a former American Basketball player, “Sports gives your life structure, discipline and a genuine, sincere, pure fulfilment that few other areas of endeavour provide.” In Sir Alex Ferguson’s book with Sir Michael Moritz, Leading, he praised Cristiano Ronaldo’s self-discipline not to deface his body, smoke or drink. He also said that Ronaldo keeps himself at about three kilograms below his natural to help him maintain his pace. Ronaldo is smart enough to know that if he doesn’t stick to his healthy lifestyle, he will regress. Every entrepreneur needs a Ronaldo-esque self-discipline in order not run his business into the ground.
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