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Helpful Tips: How To Stop Dirt From Getting Under Your Nails


  Having dirt under one’s nails can be annoying. It’s especially irritating when you know that you’ve taken extra care not to interact with dirty materials. Why do they always find a way to your fingers?
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Your disillusionment is justified. The dirt under your nails often has dead skin cells in the mix. But they could also be harbouring germs that can cause skin and urinary tract infections. It’s reasonable to want to rid your fingernails of them. Thankfully, there are several ways to keep the dirt out. We discuss four of them here. Have a look.

Cut Your Nails

This one is a no-brainer. You can’t have dirt lurking under your fingernails if there’s no ’underneath’ to speak of. You can either cut your protruding nails with a razor or file them so that they’re short and manageable. Keeping your nails short will drastically reduce the chances of accumulating dirt on what’s left of the nails.

Wear Gloves When Working With Dirty Material

If your hands will be interacting with dirty materials and surfaces, you may want to wear gloves beforehand. If the gloves don’t have holes in them, you should achieve 100% cleanliness for your nails despite the dirty work you do.

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Scrape Your Nails Against Bar Soap

If you’re going to have anything under your nails, it should be soap residue; especially when you’re going to be interacting with dirt. All you need to do is scrape your fingernails against a bar soap, and let some of it accumulate under your nails. It keeps the dirt out and makes your finger easier to wash afterwards.

Don’t Scratch Your Skin With Your Nails

If your skin is sweaty, there’s a good chance that it’s collected dirt too. That’s not the time to scratch it with your nails. If you do, some of that dirt will find its way into your nails. Instead, you may rub the itchy surface with the tips of your fingers (again, not the nails) until it stops itching.

Final Words

Follow these four suggestions, and you’ll protect your nails from filth. You may not always keep to all of them. But you’ll succeed at having clean nails just as much as you try. Featured Image Source: iStock
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