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DEMO Africa Launch 2014, Launchpad for Emerging Technology and Trends‏

  DEMO Africa is one of the flagship initiatives of Liberalizing Innovation Opportunity Nations (LIONS@FRICA) Partnership, a U.S. Department of State initiative, in collaboration with Microsoft, DEMO, USAID, and Startup Weekend to connect African startups to the global ecosystem and push technology in Africa to greater heights. It is the place where the most innovative companies from African countries get a platform to launch their products and announce it to Africa and the world; a place and event to witness technology at its birth. There is a growing recognition of Africa’s economic emergence. With Africa’s population becoming increasingly educated and affluent, the global business community is looking to capitalize on this increase in human and financial resources. The potential for growth in the technology value chain is material, given that Africa has about 15% of the world’s population. Although we boast of high computer and mobile phone subscribers, the percentage of these subscribers is still less than 10% of the population. DEMO Africa allows start-ups from all over Africa to meet Venture Capitalists, investors, tech acquisition specialists, IT buyers and media groups around the globe. The startups are given an opportunity to launch their products to a tech eco-system under several categories such as agriculture, energy, media and entertainment. DEMO Africa sets itself apart from all other launch options, with a track record of success, scholarship opportunities, turnkey services and exposure to the entire tech ecosystem of VCs, investors, IT buyers and the global IT press- make DEMO, the premier launch option. DEMO products come from all corners of the globe and all industry segments. Companies may be large or small however are all defined by excellence. Regardless of size, each company submits to the same screening process and is presented on a level playing field. To be eligible to launch on the DEMO Africa stage your product must: DEMO Africa will hold at the Oriental Hotel on the 25th and 26th September 2014 Deadline for entry is June 22nd 2014. Visit for more information.      
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