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About Maturity and Everything Else That Fits Into a Box of Matches

29th November 2016

The word, maturity, seems to be the most dignifying word used by members of the prestigious cult of adulthood. Sometimes, it is used as though it is a prize that all adult humans should aspire to. They will not be able to illustrate anything effectively unless they fling that word at you. Sometimes, they do … Continue reading About Maturity and Everything Else That Fits Into a Box of Matches

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The New Media, “Sextortion” and General Conversations over a Bottle of Coke

4th November 2016

The world is changing in many ways and sometimes I stop to ask myself where it is running to. There’s a lot going on, all at the same time, all in different places, all with different people. One cannot but pause to imagine how the world worked when people had to travel miles and wait … Continue reading The New Media, “Sextortion” and General Conversations over a Bottle of Coke