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5 Simple Tips to Combat Sleeplessness

Sometimes, life’s worries weigh us down so much that it affects our ability to sleep properly. Sleeplessness is not caused only by worrying, it can also be caused by sickness, depression or loss. However, no matter how bad the situation is, it can always be sorted out and it certainly should not affect your health and ability to sleep. The scientific name for sleeplessness is Insomnia and if not treated and managed properly within a short period of time could result in a breakdown of the entire body system. If you are finding it hard to sleep, here are simple things to do that can help you:

  1. Identify the cause: To solve any problem in life, the first step to take is to find out the root of the problem so that it can be fixed. Once you have identified the main reason for your sleeplessness, you can then take actions to deal with the problem. However, it is important to note that there are certain things that you will have no control over, these issues should not be the ones snatching sleep away from your eyes.
  2. Take a shower: The commonest and easiest way to sleep quickly is to take either a warm or cold shower depending on your choice. Water does a great job of restoring our hormonal balance and regulating pressure. For example, simply splashing water onto the face and head can help to relieve a headache. Try taking a shower next time you do not feel sleepy.
  3. Start sleeping early: If you are one of those people that find it hard to sleep once it’s past twelve, then you need to cultivate the habit of sleeping very early when the night is still young. Staying on the bed for a long while will induce sleep and you need more time to do this. If it takes you about 3 hours to sleep, then you have to carve out that extra 3 hours to just lie on your bed and wait for sleep to come.
  4. Exercise: When you have a few minutes before bedtime,endeavour to engage in an energy zapping activity so that your body will use this as an excuse to rest. You can run, jog or do simple push-ups that take a bit of your energy. When you are tired, you can then rest and easily sleep. However, be careful so as not to strain yourself or perform activities that are too strenuous for your body.
  5. Eat on time: Sometimes, sleeplessness can be as a result of indigestion or constipation. Your body might be finding it hard to process and digest your meal, thereby making you restless and sleepless. This is why it is necessary to eat dinner early enough at an appropriate time so that your body can be well rested and prepared for sleep.
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