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4 Tips on Losing Your Belly Fat

    Belly fat has to be one of the most notorious body attributes that many would like to rid themselves of. Unfortunately, it has proven to many to be one of the most difficult types of weight gain to conquer. Not only is it physically unappealing to many of us, but it is also one of the most dangerous types of fat as it can result in negative health implications such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke to name a few. Here are a few facts about belly fat and how to get rid of it so you can have that appealing Tyson Beckford or Naomi Campell stomach you have dreamed of. We shall commence with a little science so we understand how belly fat is formed. We start to gain weight in our midsection when our cortisol levels spike. Stress is one of the primary culprits for high levels of cortisol secretion. When this happens cortisol breaks down lean muscle (the type of tissue that burns calories most effectively) and also holds on to fat storage in the abdominal region. Bad dieting can worsen this stress. Studies show that the stress caused by dieting can increase cortisol levels, making no change in belly fat even with calorie restriction. So now that we have gotten the cause and effect out of the way what is the solution?
  1. Good Dieting- Engage in good dieting and not starving! Eat small portions of food throughout the day and ensure you DO NOT skip breakfast! Fighting belly fat is 80% healthy diet. Drop all of the sugar and cholesterol filled Nigerian delectables as well as unhealthy snacks and replace them with good ones. Reduce calories by eating protein, vegetables, whole grains, vitamin C and eating good fat rich in Omega 3’s like salmon, avocados & walnuts. Another trick is a sprinkle of cinnamon in your morning coffee or oatmeal, as cinnamon has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar. It also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer.
  2. Sleep– This tip is not a hoax, don’t worry. Sleep is essential in weight loss especially if you want to drop that belly fat. Get 7 hours of sleep a night, this will reduce your cravings for sugar and other fat building foods that you tend to eat late at night.
  3. Scrap the Crunches- We’ve always been advised that crunches are the way to ironing board bellies however, crunches actually take longer to show results. 1000 crunches a night may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with hefty layers of fat on top, it will take a relatively long time. Exchange crunches with exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. Try planking where you hold yourself in a push- up position resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets of holding for 30 seconds each.
  4. Vitamin C– When you’re under extreme stress, you secrete more cortisol hormone. Vitamin C helps balance the cortisol spikes that happen to you under this stress. Additionally, Vitamin C is essential for making carnitine, a compound used by the body to turn fat into fuel, that will get your fat-burning engine going.
So there you have it. See you on the other end of fat where stomachs are flat and our bodies healthy!
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