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4 Powerful Ways To Cope With Traumatic Stress

Harvard Health

  Traumatic stress is a kind of stress that is caused by past abnormal events or experiences. However, the stress often relieves over time, but peculiar cases exist where the stressed individual suffers traumatic stress for a long period of time, which calls for medical attention.
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In life, over the course of time, it’s common to experience some traumatic event. It could be the sudden death of a loved one, sexual violation, violent act, serious injury and so on. In response, people often undergo traumatic stress, which is a normal response to an abnormal event. There are various symptoms to show that one is undergoing traumatic stress, they include sleepless nights, irritability, anger, sadness, fatigue, jumpy, avoiding people, nightmares, nervousness etc. Studies show that time often heals these problems with the sufferer getting better over time. However, there are cases where the sufferer might suffer acute stress disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which calls for medical, psychological and even social attention. In this article, I will explore four ways to cope with traumatic stress.
  1. Lean On Your Loved Ones

This is the first approach to overcoming traumatic stress. Having friends and family as a support system in your downtime can really be comforting and help you deal with traumatic related stress. More so, you can ask family and friends to help you with chores and other duties at home or in the workplace while you take a break to go through the event. Rather than staying in isolation or relying on substances like drugs and drugs to escape from traumatic stress, it’s expedient that you seek support from family and friends.
  1. Ensure To Take Care Of Yourself

Going through traumatic stress is not the time to fast or skip food or give in to living unhealthily. During this event, it’s advised you eat nutritious meals, engage in exercise, have a cold bath or simply shower at an appropriate time, and have a good night rest. Listening to good music, watching your favourite movies or reading your favourite books can help you cope. Do not compromise on your self-care otherwise you’ll spend more trying to treat yourself.
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  1. Seek Professional Help During Intense Situation

Most often in overcoming traumatic stress, healing could take place over time if the person gets the necessary support from family and friends. However, there are intense stress cases where the stressed person might need medical attention, especially if she’s undergoing acute stress disorder. Psychologists, therapists and medical doctors are often called upon to treat such. Patients might be taken through series of classes by the psychologist who provides healthy coping mechanisms. Often the psychologist takes the patient through cognitive behavioural therapy, which is very effective in managing several psychological disorders, including PTSD. In this kind of treatment, the patient is helped to change unhelpful behavioural patterns. The medic could offer antidepressants.
  1. Try Out New Things

If you’re truly serious about overcoming your traumatic stress, trying out new things can be a way to distract yourself from that unpleasant experience or a way to start afresh on a plain sheet. These new things include trying out a new sport or recreational things such as hiking; journaling, writing a new book, starting a blog, knitting, painting, or at most, starting a new project altogether. For example, Oke Maduewesi, CEO of Zaron, began her new company when she lost her husband in an aeroplane crash. Things do turn out in such a way. People begin anew when experiencing an abnormal event. Source: American Psychological Association. (2017). PTSD treatment: Information for patients and families. Featured Image Source: Harvard Health
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