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World Cancer Day: Foods That Help in Cancer Prevention

Cancer is one of the most pervasive diseases taking lives globally. Today is World Cancer Day so here are some quick tips on cancer prevention. According to the following foods guard against cancer;   Oral Cancer: A diet rich in green and yellow vegetables and proper oral hygiene has been shown to offer protection against oral cancer. Breast Cancer: Reduction of high calorie foods, increased intake of fruits and vegetables and regular physical activity is preventive. Lung Cancer: Avoid tobacco and stay free from environmental pollutants. Increase intake of vegetables, fruits and beta carotene. Stomach Cancer: Diets high in fruits and vegetables particularly raw vegetables, citrus fruits, and possibly allium vegetables (onions, leeks, garlic etc.), foods with high levels of carotenoid, high vitamin C intake and consumption of green tea helps prevent stomach cancers. Be safe in your food consumption and ensure you do all you can to guard against cancer.
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