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What You Should Know About Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder which consists of restrictions in social interaction and verbal communication. Repetitive and self-injurious behaviour can also be present. With great understanding and knowledge, caretakers, friends and colleagues can help a patient live a happy, stable life. Here are some useful useful insights about the disease: 1. Autism is usually present within the first three years of life. A major symptom is the absence of major developmental milestones. 2. As a wide spectrum disorder, the combination of symptoms usually differ in individuals. Some forms can also be very mild and others, severe. This is where medical evaluation from the onset comes in, helping to identify the level and determine the necessary care measures needed. 3. Autistic people love a life of routine and usually get upset when an abrupt change comes up. Some caretakers choose to deal with this by slowly adding changes – switching the order of teeth-brushing and bathing, for instance – just to help the person gradually adjust to change which is inevitable in life. 4. Patients most times miss social cues that other people pick up quickly. However, what may start up as low levels of empathy in childhood can improve naturally and with time if the patient is reminded and taught regularly how to respond to others’ emotions. 5. Contrary to popular belief, individuals with autism feel emotions like everyone else but just have difficulty expressing them. 6. Speaking skills and intonation are determined by the severity of the disease. Some patients barely speak while others who do may sound flat and unemotional. Repetition of words and phrases in what some may find illogical can also occur. 7. Some patients experience involuntary, physical jerks referred to as tics. Duration differs, as well as the ability to be controlled. Some physical movements can also be self-injurious, hence the need for proper protection measures in such cases. 8. Loud noises and certain smells can be quite displeasing for patients.   You can learn more about the disease and how you can help with awareness by getting in touch with:
 The Nigerian Autistic Society: The leading voice of autism in Nigeria which aims to work with relevant parties, including healthcare professionals, special education teachers, government, and business leaders to provide needed care and services to kids and families dealing with Autism.
Centre for Autism and Developmental Disabilities (CADD): A fully registered Non-Governmental Organisation in Nigeria, CADD  focuses on autism spectrum disorders and related developmental disabilities.
Phone: (+234) 0803 911 2839
Fact source : Medical News Today  
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