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What About Paying Tax in Lagos – #TaxDidIt Campaign

What About Paying Tax -
It is no longer news that Tax is an immensely important tool in the pursuance of government policies. Taxes should never be underestimated in the nation’s economy. It is not rocket science that Lagos state, the nerve chord of all commercial activities, would halt with all its beehive of infrastructural development if taxpayers do not pay their taxes. As part of Lagos’ effort to further sensitize taxpayers, Lagos Internal Revenue Service has come up with a #TaxDidIt Campaign. This campaign is to enlighten the types of Taxes paid, the laws guiding the collection of taxes, the different bodies in charge of tax collection and the importance of Consistent Tax payment. The importance of Tax can be seen in various sectors of the economy. They are creating affordable homes, lightening up the streets, including the establishment of Lagos State Emergency Management Agency. The construction, rehabilitation of infrastructures, such as bridges, roads etc. These are all functions of Tax payers funds.   To follow the conversation, join any social media platforms and comment, share, read the #TaxDidIt or click on this link.
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