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Enhancing Digital Marketing by UX Design

The success of websites and web applications hinges on how users perceive it. Does this website give me any value? Is it easy to use? Is it pleasant to use? These are the questions that run through the minds of visitors as they interact with web products and they form the basis of their decision on whether to become regular users. User experience design is about making them answer yes to all those questions. User Experience (UX) can be described as how a person feels (including physical, sensory, emotional and mental) when interfacing with a system. The system could be a website, web application or mobile application. It could also be any interaction a customer or potential customer has with a brand. Most people have either had a bad or good experience with different websites they’ve visited. To brands, businesses, companies, blogs and other online spaces, a great user experience not only makes existing customers happy but can take potential customers away from competitors; a bad UX does the exact opposite. User experience design (UXD) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility and pleasure provided by the interaction between the user and the product. Unlike a standard website that needs to be functional, reliable and convenient, a website can only have an excellent UX when it becomes enjoyable to use and the experience is worth sharing with others. While websites and content for companies, audiences, and institutions are different, the principle of UX design remains the same for all as the desired goal after giving customers a good UX is double fold revenue. When it comes to applying UX design in digital marketing, an excellent UX differentiates your brand from your competitors’ in the digital marketing space, giving your brand an upper hand in the process. Customers won’t have a reason to look elsewhere if your website is easy and awesome to use. Every business is unique in some way and a good UX research helps you find the best solution that’ll suit your needs and give customers that unique feel of your brand. A brand that chooses to remain in business knows that a happy customer means getting to your goal faster. A satisfied customer becomes a loyal one, and a loyal customer is the best way to spread the word for your brand far and wide. When all UX principles are applied on the desired website, it helps cut off the extra cost on a brand’s part. This is simply because there’s always room for changing, readjusting or totally taking out features and elements you don’t need in order to give your customers premium satisfaction. User experience is so much more than design, and it’s time for marketers to familiarize themselves with the expanded world of UX when applying it to their campaigns. The more user experience and marketing mesh together, the more beautiful and seamless your customers’ overall experience with your brand will be.
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