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UberPitch: Pitch Your Startup Idea to an Investor in an Uber Ride

Pitch your startup idea to an investor on a ride in 15 minutes and stand a chance of filling the last slot for the Seedstars World Competiton 2015! Uber and Seedstars World have partnered to give Nigerian entrepreneurs the opportunity to take their business to the next level through UberPitch. UberPitch is an opportunity for Nigerian entrepreneurs to pitch their startup ideas to a top notch investor for 15 minutes each on the 28th of July 2015 on a Uber taxi ride within the Victoria Island, Lekki Phase 1 and Yaba area of Lagos State. Entrepreneurs within the mentioned areas will have a chance to request a special ride with top-notch investors such as Tomi Davies, President, African Angels Business Network and other top Lagos investors between 11 am and 3 pm on said day. Each entrepreneur will have just 15 minutes to get the investors to listen to their ideas. With this event, one Nigerian startup will be chosen to fill in the last slot for the Seedstars World Competition on July 31st and the startup will be chosen from the pool of entrepreneurs who take part in the UberPitch ride. To be eligible for this competition, startups are to be less than two years in existence with less than $500,000 in funding and be able to show a MVP or a prototype. Entrepreneurs will need to download the UberApp available on Android, iPhone or Blackberry devices. Enter the promo code LAGOSPITCH to open the UberPitch view in preparation for the 28th of July, 2015. On said day, request a ride around the available areas mentioned above between 11 am – 3 pm. Note that the Uber rides for the UberPitches are free but are only available for pickup and drop off at Lekki Phase 1, Victoria Island and Yaba.
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