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 Travel tips: 4 Things To Do In A Resort

  Have you ever wondered what you would do if you visited a resort? Many people mistake a hotel for a resort. The difference is the choice of amenities each has.
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A hotel is a place strictly for lodging or spending the night. While a resort is a holiday destination comprising pools, gym, sports court, arcade center, etc. Sure some hotels have bars and swimming pools to keep guests occupied, but a resort is more elaborate recreational facilities. Some resorts go as far as having museums, man-made lakes, and mini-zoos as part of their attractions. An example of a hotel is Best Western or Eko Hotel, while that of a resort is Zuma or Ogere Resort. There are many types of resorts but in Nigeria, we mainly have Beach resorts, Mountain resorts, luxury resorts, and business resorts. Some resorts are built near natural attractions, like waterfalls and rocks. So how does one maximize their stay at a resort? Here are a few tips: Owners usually build a resort on a wide expanse of land. Some have huts or chalets separated from each other along a pathway. Make sure you take a walk around the resort during your stay there. Any time of the day is okay. If you want to admire the place in daylight, go for it. Sometimes, the lighting at night can make the place come alive and that’s perfect for a romantic night stroll. Immerse yourself in the resort’s landscape and take it all in. As long as it is available and within reach, use it. The reason you chose a resort rather than a hotel was that you wanted an enriching experience. So if the resort has elevators, ride them. If it is close to a natural attraction, explore it. Don’t check out without using the gym, playing in the tennis court, allowing the kids to roam free in the play area etc. Don’t let yourself feel embarrassed if you are the only one using a facility. Other brave souls might just be waiting for someone to dare, so they too can join in. As long as you chose a resort over a hotel, it is your right to maximize the amenities provided.  
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Find out about their dining schedule and other meal issues like in-room service, buffet for meals, complimentary breakfast and how many people it is for, etc. Do the rooms have kitchenettes? Are people allowed to bring food in from outside the resort? Ask questions about how early or late guests can use the pool. If you cannot go swimming in the day, you can take a dip at night if it’s allowed. Ask if you can ride the caddy for free if they have a golf course or have a picnic on their lawn. Make inquiries about the use of the gym or the center of their game if they have one. If you are in a place like Obudu Mountain resort, ask when the cable car will run and the conditions for riding it down the hill. Don’t be afraid to find out what perks you may enjoy with the price you are paying to stay at that resort. What evidence do you have that you came, you saw and you conquered than pictures? Take fantastic pictures that show off the special features of the location you are at. Capture the beauty of the resort along with your enjoyment of it. Take shots with the furnishing, the food presentation, the natural attraction in the background, in the pool area, between the palm trees, with a beach view, etc. Ask the waiters and staff to assist if you are without a travel buddy. And use these to leave a review to recommend the place to others, especially if you had an enjoyable time there. There is love in sharing. If you travel to a new town and your itinerary does not include sightseeing around town, then we recommend staying at a resort. Source Beaches Welk Resorts Unravelling Nigeria Featured image source: Nigeria Property Centre
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