The post-partum period is a very important part of
pregnancy care for mothers. Unfortunately, this stage is not given more medical attention than the conception and delivery stage of pregnancies.
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Most resort to traditional tips which cause more harm than good to the
health of these women. In Nigeria, most tribes have practices and herbs – such as heat baths, isolation, salted gruel and many others – to help manage this stage. However, all of these have proved to be insufficient, especially in the aspect of weight loss with less concern for other areas such as mental health.
Post-partum time refers to the period after the delivery of a child; possibly the 6 weeks period after childbirth. At this stage, mothers are required to heal from the intense delivery stage. They will also be given the time to bond with their newborns. Others may decide to add a weight loss programme to the list of things to be done in other to put bloated bodies back in shape.
Here are some of the things to consider in this stage:
It is highly required that a mother should rest after delivery. Take as many naps as possible to deal with tiredness and fatigue associated with this stage. Resting is especially paramount in the first few weeks after delivery.
Create a workable diet that includes healthy meals. Avoid junk foods. Be more invested in fruits and vegetables that induce a rapid reproductive healing process.
Breastfeed your child if you can. Aside from keeping a baby healthy, this helps lower the risks of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
Exercise not only to lose weight but to keep your mental strength up. A short walk or careful job might suffice. Before taking an exercise regimen, it is advisable to consult your doctor in this regard as exercise may be too strenuous for your state of health. The doctor is the right authority to provide approval.
Do not take alcohol
Alcohol should be avoided like a plague. Alcoholic drinks have been proven to contain high calories. These can disturb the weight loss process if not careful.
Avoid highly processed food
Avoid meals that are canned or inorganic as they may damage tissues and organs already tender by the rigorous efforts of child delivery.
Stay away from caffeine
Caffeinated drinks are the wrong resort to stay awake. To stay awake you should maintain a proper clockwork of your activities and bedtime. Over time, the body may adjust to the routine.
Drink water
Mothers lose a lot of bodily fluid when breastfeeding, as a result, it is best to hydrate more often by drinking water consistently. Drinking water may increase your sense of fullness and stimulate your metabolism, leading to weight loss. Take at least eight glasses of water which amounts to half a gallon per day.
Post-partum depression is real and a widely disregarded Nigerian concept. If anxious or depressive, seek help or find someone reliable to talk to.
Smile more
Newborns are bundles of joy, nonetheless, having a child means less “me times”. This means mothers are likely to dedicate less time to grooming themselves. The best and easiest facials are to smile more often. Smiling helps to reduce the pressure, connect better with newborns and project or enhance beauty.
With childbirth comes changes, particularly, in the family unit. Mothers will have to create a great routine to accommodate the newly added member of the family. Most times, activities may somewhat be central to the child. Adjusting may take time but eventually, it will click. Just like baby steps.
Featured Image Source: Healthy Women
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