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Tips For Picking a Business Name

  A business name is the legal title a business uses for trading and all formal services. It reflects the identity and promotes the business. A name is very powerful and conveys a great deal about a business. Picking a name is the most important step after making a decision to start a business. Questions that should be asked include: -What does your business name communicate? -Does it appeal to potential customers? -Is it memorable? -Is it catchy? Here a few examples; Jumia – The Swahili word for community or friendship Equifax– Equitable and factual Daewoo– Great house Accenture– Accent from the future Coca Cola– Cocoa and Kola, changed to Cola for aesthetics by Pemberton Apple– Steve Jobs’ favourite fruit So what should be considered when coming up with a business name? When you come up with a few different name choices, it is advised that you try them out on potential customers, investors, and co-workers. Ask questions about the names to see if they give off the impression you desire. If not, come up with a new list and try again until you have the ‘one’. Once you have a name, it’s time to start your business.  
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