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The Easiest Thing In The World

Do you know life is so much easier when you find that thing you can do even while you are asleep? I like to call it the easiest thing in the world. It’s that thing that comes naturally to you. It’s the thing you do effortlessly when others are struggling. The thing about the easiest thing in the world is that it is your thing. Yes it may be similar to someone else’s but there’s a unique touch that makes it yours. Have you found that thing that is so easy for you to do? It may be working with numbers. I know people who are so good with numbers that doing big calculations is like drinking water for them. While some of us rush for calculators, they have already solved the calculation. Then there are those that have this gift for music. Call it the Midas touch but every musical note they sing or produce turns into gold. Want to know what I love about the easiest thing in the world? You can use it to find your purpose in life. You can turn the easiest thing in the world to the thing that makes you wealthy. Beyond that, it can become your instrument of change. That thing is easy for you so that you can use it to make the lives of others easy. Make money, yes, but use it to change your society. Do you know you can revolutionise your world with the easiest thing in the world? It simply takes discipline. The fact that it is the easiest thing in the world for you to do does not mean that you should fold your arms and relax, expecting things to be easy all the way. I’m sorry, that is the path to living a hard life. You have to take the easiest thing in the world and work on it. Turn it into the most attractive thing in the world. Find out how you can do the easiest thing in the world more excellently. Discover people who share a similar ‘easiest thing’ with you. What are they doing right? What are they not doing well? Can you come up with ways to set yourself apart from them? Can you make the easiest thing in the world the best thing in the world? How about thinking of ways to make it become the easiest thing in the world for other people too? You can train them or create a means for employment. It all depends on the vision you have. You can do virtually anything with the easiest thing in the world. But this is what you should not do however. Don’t bury it. If you bury it, you have truly wasted a precious gift. Don’t discard the easiest thing in the world for the most popular thing in the world. The fact that it is the most popular thing doesn’t mean that it is your thing. In fact, if you are not careful, it will become the hardest thing in the world for you. The last don’t is this; don’t compromise. Many things may cause you to compromise: money, fame, parental pressure and so on. When you want to cave in, just think about what you will be giving up. Isn’t it better to do something that comes easy to you than toil for years on something that you find difficult to do? I don’t know about you but that just sounds like an exercise in futility to me. It’s your choice though. You may be able to turn the hardest thing in the world into the easiest thing in the world. Whatever you do, never forget the God factor. That is what keeps the easiest thing in the world easy. Challenges and tests will come but the G-factor will help you come out of them with your head high. So don’t take Him for granted. The easiest thing in the world for me is to write. What is yours?     About the Writer: Adedoyin Jaiyesimi is a Writer, Media Content Creator and Brand Manager. The various publications she has written for include Y! Magazine (now Y! Africa), Discovery, Pride Magazine Nigeria, Butterscotch magazine amongst others. She currently holds the position of Brand Communications Manager at Victor Adeyemi Ministries and she is also the founder of LRouge Media, an editorial and brand consultancy company which provides content writing and editing services for business websites, magazines and blogs. When she is not creating content, you can find her in church doing the work of her Father. She tweets @msdoyeen and blogs at
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