Archives Tag: yamarita fries


Recipe for Yamarita

April 19, 2022

Crunchy and tasty, yamarita is fried yam with a twist.  You can find it  in most restaurants in Nigeria. But you can also prepare it at home. You can set out to make yamarita from the scratch, or you can do so with leftover boiled yam. Now, if you want to learn how to make … Continue reading Recipe for Yamarita

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How To Prepare Yamarita Fries

April 19, 2022

Yamarita is simply boiled yam, coated with egg, and then, fried into a delicious, crispy, brown delight. Yamarita, also called ‘dun dun oniyeri’ or toasted yam egg, is a very easy and straightforward meal to cook and can be eaten with a variety of stews and sauces. Ingredients 1 Medium tuber of yam 2-3 Eggs … Continue reading How To Prepare Yamarita Fries

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