Archives Tag: Tax Information


What About Paying Tax in Lagos – #TaxDidIt Campaign

April 19, 2022

It is no longer news that Tax is an immensely important tool in the pursuance of government policies. Taxes should never be underestimated in the nation’s economy. It is not rocket science that Lagos state, the nerve chord of all commercial activities, would halt with all its beehive of infrastructural development if taxpayers do not pay … Continue reading What About Paying Tax in Lagos – #TaxDidIt Campaign

By adepeju

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BUSINESS Tip of the Day

How to Deal With Your Tax Complaints

April 19, 2022

    Are you worried about a bill or assessment that has been issued to you by any agency in Lagos state or anxious to confirm the legality of levies and taxes imposed on you? If you are experiencing undue delays in the processing of your file or are confronted with demands for gratification or … Continue reading How to Deal With Your Tax Complaints

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