Archives Tag: Skincare


Nigerians Share: Seven BB Creams We Absolutely Love

April 19, 2022

The beauty balm (BB) cream (also known as Blemish Balm in Asia) is fast becoming a make-up staple for many Nigerian women. Designed in different shades to suit various skin tones, it is an all-in-one facial cosmetic product to replace serum, moisturizer, primer, foundation and sunscreen. For women who tire of having to apply product … Continue reading Nigerians Share: Seven BB Creams We Absolutely Love

By jehonwa

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Beauty Tip of the Day

How to Make Homemade Body Butter

April 19, 2022

One of the things I’ve enjoyed making myself is the homemade body butter. There is something about mixing your own moisturiser from scratch that makes you feel healthy- you know what goes into the mixture. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using store-bought body moisturisers, but for people who enjoy trying out new ideas, or … Continue reading How to Make Homemade Body Butter

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