Archives Tag: SK


A Mother’s Confession: 6 Fun Ways to Spend Family Time

April 19, 2022

My baby, Ebube recently said “Mummy, some of my friends have never been to Tutti Frutti!” Hmmm … all my children can find their way to Tutti Frutti with their eyes closed. Student of the Month – some FroYo to celebrate. Got a good grade – how about some KFC. Pre-birthday celebration – SFC sounds … Continue reading A Mother’s Confession: 6 Fun Ways to Spend Family Time

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A Mother’s Confession: Helping My Sons Find the Right Career Path

April 19, 2022

  In my lollipop loving days, when children were asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Gosh, the floating answers … I want to be a doctor, I want to be an accountant, I want to be a lawyer, I want to be an engineer… Kids would spurt out these answers … Continue reading A Mother’s Confession: Helping My Sons Find the Right Career Path

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A Mother’s Confession: Morning Routine

April 19, 2022

Alarm clock goes off! 6 a.m. WHY????? Why can’t I be left alone to sleep this sleep I have been anticipating for years? As a mummy, you kind of roll over and see pillows, so except you have human-engineered pillows, its on you to get up, get on and get moving. I start off by … Continue reading A Mother’s Confession: Morning Routine

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A Mother’s Confession: Dealing With Separation Anxiety

April 19, 2022

I must start this post with hailing, saluting and doffing my hat to moms who travel a lot. How do you do it? It’s a class I am willing to attend and a skill I need to learn. 80% … scratch that … 90% of the times I have had to travel, I reschedule. My … Continue reading A Mother’s Confession: Dealing With Separation Anxiety

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