Archives Tag: River Niger

Discover Nigeria

What Do You Know About The Cross Niger Forest In Nigeria?

April 19, 2022

Enormous, thick and rich with great ecological value, harbouring exotic species of both plants and animals is the cross Nigeria transition Forest located right here in Nigeria. The Forest is planted right between the biogeographic barriers of the Cross River and the formidable Niger river. It is a tropical moist broad-leafed Forest and it ranks … Continue reading What Do You Know About The Cross Niger Forest In Nigeria?

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Eni Ikan Fun Furu, a Delicacy of the Nupe People of Niger State

April 19, 2022

Niger State is reputed to be the largest state in Nigeria in terms of land mass. It is also called the power state because of the existence of three hydroelectric power stations namely the Shiroro, Kainji, and Jebba power stations in the state. The Nupe are one of the three major ethnic groups in Niger. … Continue reading Eni Ikan Fun Furu, a Delicacy of the Nupe People of Niger State

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Discover Nigeria

Did You Know The Former Name of the Benue River?

April 19, 2022

It is La Bénoué in French, but to the anglophones, it is ‘The Benue’ or the River Benue or Benue River. The water body is the major tributary of the Niger River and runs approximately 1,400 kilometres (870 miles) long. It is also almost entirely navigable during the summer months. As a result, it is … Continue reading Did You Know The Former Name of the Benue River?

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Did You Know?

Did You Know? The River Niger Is West Africa’s Longest and Largest River

April 19, 2022

The features of the map of Nigeria are quite remarkable. One of these is the notable presence of two major water bodies, River Niger and River Benue; of which the former-River Niger-serves as the source of the name of the country, Nigeria. The Niger River: The Longest and Largest River in West Africa The Niger … Continue reading Did You Know? The River Niger Is West Africa’s Longest and Largest River

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