Archives Tag: Palm Sunday


What does Easter Mean To You?

April 19, 2022

Many families will be gathering this weekend to celebrate Easter. Like every other holiday, Easter is a time to get away from the struggles of everyday life to enjoy a few pleasures with family. However, there is a lot more to Easter than just meeting together to enjoy a series of delicious home meals. History … Continue reading What does Easter Mean To You?

By achem

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Windows on the Passion

April 19, 2022

Passion is from the Latin ‘passio’, meaning ‘suffering’. Passiontide or Passion Week is the commemoration of the sufferings of Jesus Christ during the last week before Easter. Passion Sunday begins the Holy Week which is the last week of Lent. It is sometimes called the passion-tide. Palm Sunday is the passion Sunday, and it is … Continue reading Windows on the Passion

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How We Have Been Blessed by the Palms

April 19, 2022

Not many trees can boast of a wide variety like the Palms. They are renowned as one of the oldest and widespread, having thousands of species worldwide, from which we can identify the oil palm, raffia and coconut types common in Nigeria. Though varied, every palm has in common a regular cylindrical stem with a … Continue reading How We Have Been Blessed by the Palms

By nnenna

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Easter 2016

April 19, 2022

From Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday, Christian celebrations would next week (Holy Week), get to the zenith of the Lenten period and usher in the Easter. Palm Sunday, March 20 Christians mark the celebration of Christ’s Triumphant Entry, riding on a donkey on streets strewn with palm branches. … Continue reading Easter 2016

By nnenna

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