Archives Tag: Oresegun Olumide

Discover Nigeria

#CNHighlights: 10 Social Media Trends of the Year 2016

April 19, 2022

Year 2016 has been an eventful one, with discoveries and surprises, victories and speeches and everything in between. Nigerians can relate to these ten highlights that got trending on the internet this year. 1. THE DISCOVERY OF OLAJUMOKE ORISAGUNA In February, Olajumoke Orisaguna was the most searched name on Google and carried on lots of … Continue reading #CNHighlights: 10 Social Media Trends of the Year 2016

By nnenna

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Hyper-realistic Paintings of Oresegun Olumide Trend the Internet

April 19, 2022

Trending this week on social media are works of Nigerian hyper-realistic artist, Oresegun  Olumide. His works portray oil paintings of children washing in water. At first, when one looks at the pictures, they think they are photographed. But indeed, these works are all painted, and each work takes about two to three weeks, and sometimes … Continue reading Hyper-realistic Paintings of Oresegun Olumide Trend the Internet

By nnenna

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