Archives Tag: New words


23 Foreign Words That Are Perfect for Nigerian Day to Day Life

April 19, 2022

Do you ever get an impossible feeling of how to put together two words or more, or get trapped in a common situation that has no specific word to describe it? Here are 23 words from languages around the world that describe the Nigerian lifestyle and could be incorporated into our vocabulary: Kyoikumama: Japanese term … Continue reading 23 Foreign Words That Are Perfect for Nigerian Day to Day Life

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5 Hilarious New Words to Add to Your Vocabulary

April 19, 2022

These new words have not only just been added into Cambridge Dictionaries Online, they are also funny and will liven up your social interactions when you use them. 1. Tinderella Syndrome noun: This is the inability to form romantic relationships except through online dating sites. My two cents: This one particularly piqued my interest because a … Continue reading 5 Hilarious New Words to Add to Your Vocabulary

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