Archives Tag: Muslim

Did You Know? Discover Nigeria

Did You Know That Nigeria has a Greater Muslim Population than Saudi Arabia?

April 19, 2022

Islam is one of the largest religions in Nigeria, existing within the borders of the country since the 11th century. It is one of the two dominant religions practised in Nigeria, the other being Christianity. Nigeria has the largest Muslim population in West Africa. In 2021, the CIA World Factbook estimated that 53.5% of Nigeria’s … Continue reading Did You Know That Nigeria has a Greater Muslim Population than Saudi Arabia?

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Discover Nigeria Nigeria

Nigerians in History: Aminu Kano

April 19, 2022

Aminu Kano was a politician from Nigeria. In the 1940s he led a socialist movement in the northern part of the country in opposition to British rule. He symbolized democratization, women’s empowerment and freedom of speech. Read more about Nigerians in History Background Aminu Kano was born in 1929 to the family of an Islamic … Continue reading Nigerians in History: Aminu Kano

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