Archives Tag: Maize


Nni Oka, a Fufu Meal Made from Corn Flour

April 19, 2022

Last week, we discussed the making of cassava fufu.  Today, we’ll be reviewing nni oka which is one of the many swallows enjoyed by Nigerians. Nni oka which simply means corn fufu (or literally, food made from corn) is also known locally as alibo. However, this swallow is not true to its name for it … Continue reading Nni Oka, a Fufu Meal Made from Corn Flour

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Things That Feel Nigerian But Are Not

April 19, 2022

  The past week on Twitter has forced me to consider this angle to many norms and notions that we seem to have taken and turned into our culture as Nigerians. Some speak to serious cultural discourses, others, not so much. That said, this is not your average “Helpful Article”. It is as light-hearted as … Continue reading Things That Feel Nigerian But Are Not

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Recipe for Corn Fritters

April 19, 2022

Hurray!! It’s corn season. And what do we do in this season? We eat corn, both boiled and roasted, with so much joy in our hearts. We also cook other meals with it. That way, by the time the season is over, we’d have eaten enough corn to last us till the next season. One … Continue reading Recipe for Corn Fritters

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Did You Know? 8 Foods Rich in Fibre

April 19, 2022

Our topic of discussion today is dietary fibre, an important but often overlooked class of food. In case you’re wondering, it’s not amongst the classes of food taught in school. So, what then is it? Dietary fibre refers to the indigestible parts of plant foods like vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes. As can be deduced … Continue reading Did You Know? 8 Foods Rich in Fibre

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Origin of Nigerian Foods: Omi Ukpoka

April 19, 2022

Food is a central identity marker. It defines personality, social class, lifestyle, and relationships. Our understanding and relationship with food is governed to a large extent by our culture. We can tell where a person comes from by the type of food he eats and by the ingredients and method of preparation he uses. Even … Continue reading Origin of Nigerian Foods: Omi Ukpoka

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Recipe for Asa Akpakpa

April 19, 2022

On our menu today is the Ibibio delicacy, Asa Akpakpa. Asa akpakpa is also called asa ibokpot. This food is very popular during the early or late harvest season. This is largely because maize, the main ingredient for this food is readily available at that time. The recipe for this food was sent by an … Continue reading Recipe for Asa Akpakpa

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Origin of Nigerian Foods: Kunu

April 19, 2022

The mere act of cooking is rooted in tradition and tells about our history and personal identity. Through the generations, recipes are handed down by women of the family. The recipes, through the ingredients and anecdotes that accompany them, tell stories of history and transmit values. Our food history segment takes us to Northern Nigeria, … Continue reading Origin of Nigerian Foods: Kunu

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Origin of Nigerian Foods: Tuwo Masara

April 19, 2022

Food is a universal experience, a vital aspect of our cultural heritage that ought to be preserved, not in museums as we do other artworks but through oral tradition and practical experimentation. Northern Nigeria is a region with beautiful landscapes, ancient architectural designs and a fertile soil that produces all manner of food. Nigeria’s food … Continue reading Origin of Nigerian Foods: Tuwo Masara

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Did You Know?

Did you Know? 7 Meals You can Prepare from Maize

April 19, 2022

Maize is one of the most important cereals in the world. Its production is common in most parts of Nigeria where it is prepared and consumed in different ways by different ethnic groups. Maize is a seasonal food with high nutritional content. It also has some medicinal values. Below are seven meals you can prepare … Continue reading Did you Know? 7 Meals You can Prepare from Maize

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