Archives Tag: infringement


The Law & You: Legal Implication Of Infringement Of Intellectual Property

April 19, 2022

Copyright infringement can be defined in numerous ways, some of which include piracy, theft and free booting. Infringement of copyright basically means copying, reproducing or using any content or work which has copyright in it by an unauthorized person, who is not the owner of such work without having requisite permits or licenses. One of … Continue reading The Law & You: Legal Implication Of Infringement Of Intellectual Property

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Now Zoom In: 4 Strategies to Halt the Onslaught of Copyright Thieves

April 19, 2022

By Nehi Igbinijesu “Originality is the essence of true scholarship. Creativity is the soul of the true scholar.” Nnamdi Azikiwe should be alive today. Originality and creativity share the backseat across West Africa which now accounts for more than 70 percent of the world’s copyright theft and infringements, particularly in film and music. According to … Continue reading Now Zoom In: 4 Strategies to Halt the Onslaught of Copyright Thieves

By pagboga

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