Archives Tag: Independence Day Nigeria


Nigerian Independence Day!

April 19, 2022

…And the song goes like this; “On the first October 1960, Nigeria got her Independence (pendence) 2x, Oh Freedom (freedom) 3x, Freedom everywhere.” Well, it’s possible you know the song and sang it as a child in school, at freedom square or somewhere else. It is also possible you never heard of the song; or maybe, … Continue reading Nigerian Independence Day!

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Nigeria @56: President Buhari’s Independence Day Address

April 19, 2022

Today – 1st October is a day of celebration for us Nigerians. On this day, 56 years ago our people achieved the most important of all human desires – freedom and independence. We should all therefore give thanks and pray for our founding fathers without whose efforts and toil we would not reap the bounties … Continue reading Nigeria @56: President Buhari’s Independence Day Address

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Discover Nigeria

Nigeria @56: Happy Independence Day, Nigeria!

April 19, 2022

Happy Independence Day, Nigeria! At 56, there’s a lot to be thankful for: one is that we are a happy people with a positive disposition towards life, and we are blessed as a nation that is by every means acclaimed the giant of Africa. And giant we are, for there’s hardly any other country with … Continue reading Nigeria @56: Happy Independence Day, Nigeria!

By nnenna

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Discover Nigeria Personality

Celebrating Our National Heroes

April 19, 2022

Let’s take time out to remember some of the great men and women whose efforts helped to secure our independence in the first place. Indeed, the labour of these heroes past shall never be in vain as we stay hopeful of what Nigeria’s future holds for us all. They are:   Herbert Macaulay, born Olayinka … Continue reading Celebrating Our National Heroes

By ify

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