Archives Tag: fashion guides


7 Festive Christmas Corporate Styles You Should Try This Season

April 19, 2022

We already know the drill during the festive season; it’s a time for making merry, a time to exchange those special gifts, and a time for relaxation. But, have you ever thought to channel your holiday cheer into more creative outlets? It’s indeed an amazing time of the year to sparkle, just as brightly as … Continue reading 7 Festive Christmas Corporate Styles You Should Try This Season

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Checkered Skirts to Rock this Season

April 19, 2022

Let’s take the advantage of Flashback Friday and focus on the outfits creeping in on us from the past. If you attended a boarding school,  perhaps, you can relate to checkered dresses. The classic patterned style is unique and can be seen everywhere from pants to scarfs, coats, skirts etc. Today, we are sticking with … Continue reading Checkered Skirts to Rock this Season

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