Archives Tag: Facebook For Every Phone


How To Use Facebook Live Audio Stream

April 19, 2022

Facebook launched its Live Video feature in April 2016, and by December 2016, they had already hinted on expanding the feature to include Live Audio and Live 360 which they’ve also made available to all Facebook users. Live Audio streaming is similar to the Live Video stream just without the video component. This means you … Continue reading How To Use Facebook Live Audio Stream

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Feature Phone Milestone: Facebook for Every Phone Reaches 100 Million

April 19, 2022

Facebook has announced that there are now more than 100 million people using its Facebook For Every Phone each month. Facebook For Every Phone enables people around the globe to connect to the people and things they care about most, no matter what kind of mobile device they use. Millions of people in developing markets like … Continue reading Feature Phone Milestone: Facebook for Every Phone Reaches 100 Million

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