Archives Tag: Emmanuel Oriaifo


Essentials Facts You Should Know About BBM Advertisement

April 19, 2022

I have noticed, and I’m sure that other BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) users on various mobile devices such as BlackBerry, Android, Apple and Windows devices have noticed too, ads either in BBM channels or feeds as featured placements, sponsored invites and sponsored posts. In March, 2014, it was announced that BlackBerry Limited would start placing ads, as a monetization strategy, but it would be … Continue reading Essentials Facts You Should Know About BBM Advertisement

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Fast Ways to Increase Business Leads via the Internet

April 19, 2022

Businesses all over the world, even in Nigeria, have advanced from the normal TV, radio, flyer, magazine etc. adverts to the internet because it is cost effective and has the potential of reaching a greater number of prospective clients. With this said, the benefits of the internet to your business are as follows: 1. It is cheaper using the … Continue reading Fast Ways to Increase Business Leads via the Internet

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