Archives Tag: BBM Wisdom


BBM Wisdom: No Rain, No Rainbow

April 19, 2022

  1. When you feel like quitting…   2. Just get started.   3. No rain, no rainbow   4. Never give up..   5. How to live creatively   6. Watch your words   7.  How do you fail?   8. Who’s in your corner?   9. Your secret to success   10.  Make … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: No Rain, No Rainbow

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: How to Get Respect and Keep It

April 19, 2022

Nuggets of wisdom to start the week:   1. Knowledge is good; character better.     2. Me, myself and I 3. Live on purpose   4. Turn your pain into gain   5.  Stay clear of gossips     6. Who’s in your circle?   7. Is anyone snobbing you?     8. Don’t take … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: How to Get Respect and Keep It

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up

April 19, 2022

Nuggets of wisdom to start the week:   1. Keep moving forward   2. It’s the small things that add up   3.  What matters most to you?   4. Do what counts   5. Actions speak louder than words   6.  How good is your attitude to life?             7. … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: Be Courageous

April 19, 2022

Nuggets of wisdom to kick-start the awesome week ahead: 1.   You’ve seen your options. Make a choice!   2. Eyes on God always.   3. The five steps to success…   4.     Don’t let your age be a barrier to your success.   5. You give what you get…   6. Make motivation … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Be Courageous

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: I Choose How I Feel, Not You!

April 19, 2022

Nuggets of wisdom to kick-start the awesome week ahead:   1. Time to start something new. 2. You have the power… 3. Be You! 4. Make it happen today… 5.   In a nutshell, work doesn’t kill. 6. Forward ever, backward never. 7. How crazy are you? 8. An opportunity’s waiting for you today. Will … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: I Choose How I Feel, Not You!

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: Saying Goodbye to the Past

April 19, 2022

Here are nuggets of wisdom from BBM DPs to kick-start the awesome week ahead: 1.   Leave yesterday’s drama where it should be…   2.   Don’t overlook the negatives…   3. .    Fight to the very finish…   4. Stop the hate, and start the love.   5. “Knowledge comes from learning, wisdom … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Saying Goodbye to the Past

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: You Have It Within You

April 19, 2022

Four great DPs to help kick off the week ahead:   1. Feeling overwhelmed by a faraway goal?         2. Whatever you do, don’t stop moving forward…     3.One small step can lead to the achievement of big goals     4. Input leads to output.   Share this post with … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: You Have It Within You

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: Who Do You Think You Are?

April 19, 2022

Beloved readers, welcome to another wonderful week! Here are our DPs for the week:   Decide who you are today…     We must aim to be proactive in all we do, not reactive.       The secret of success? Never give up.     Make your pick.   Share this post with a … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Who Do You Think You Are?

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: Say No to The Struggle

April 19, 2022

Nuggets of motivation for a great week ahead: 1. “Mondays can either be the start to a struggle week or…”     2. “Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is…” .        3. “Sometimes you win; sometimes you  learn.”     4. Challenges – our opportunities for change     Share your inspirational … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Say No to The Struggle

By ify


BBM Wisdom -What To Do If Opportunities Don’t Come

April 19, 2022

  Be proactive! If opportunities don’t come your way, go and get them.   Live life on purpose to get the best of it. If you don’t you’re better off being dead.   Don’t look to others for your joy. You are the manager of it.   The pain of regret is an unfortunate thing. … Continue reading BBM Wisdom -What To Do If Opportunities Don’t Come

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: Nothing Will Work Unless You Do

April 19, 2022

Accomplish that one task, goal or dream that you’ve been putting off this week. The results will amaze and motivate you to do even more…   Hard work pays, laziness doesn’t. If you want to see desired change, you have to put in the effort.   If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again… with … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Nothing Will Work Unless You Do

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: How To Make Your Dreams Come True

April 19, 2022

Welcome to another week! Dreams are achieved one step at a time, and these quotes are guaranteed to keep you motivated on the way up: 1. Keep your dreams alive This recipe to success is guaranteed to help make that dream in your head something tangible and impactful.   2. It is your choice This is … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: How To Make Your Dreams Come True

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: Learn From the Mosquito

April 19, 2022

Welcome to another week, dear readers! Here are some quotes to help you succeed from Monday to Friday: 1. “ If you think you’re too small, try sleeping with a mosquito” It’s amazing how a single bite from a tiny insect like a mosquito can do serious damage on us for days and weeks on … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Learn From the Mosquito

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: God Can Do it Just Like That!

April 19, 2022

It’s a brand new week, Nigeria! You survived the early morning rush, made it safely to the office, and you are possibly getting set for the busy days that lie ahead. Start things right with a healthy dose of Monday Motivation, courtesy of these inspiring quotes:   1. “God can do it just like… That!  … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: God Can Do it Just Like That!

By ify

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BBM Wisdom: 4 Important DPs That Will Inspire You

April 19, 2022

It is a new week and because Connect Nigeria wants you to have a productive week, we have compiled BBM display pictures that we believe will inspire you and your contacts this week. BBM Wisdom 1: Why sad times can be good. This DP teaches us that even negatives can become  positives when we stay … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: 4 Important DPs That Will Inspire You

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