Archives Tag: Agidi Jollof


Recipe for Agidi Jollof

April 19, 2022

Whenever, I think of Agidi Jollof, I remember the song, akara di uso, mmanu n’eme iba, agidi nke na enwero okpukpu n’uso adiro ya which literally translates to akara is delicious, palm oil causes illness, there is no sweetness in boneless agidi. I learnt how to sing this song from my Dad’s cousin who lived … Continue reading Recipe for Agidi Jollof

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Food Recipe: Agidi Jollof

April 19, 2022

Nigerian Agidi Jollof is a delicious meal enjoyed by almost all. It is made with corn flour (cornstarch). You can easily buy corn starch from the market or process yours at home. To do so, you parboil the corn, grind it, sieve it and allow some time to settle to get the cornstarch. Let’s try … Continue reading Food Recipe: Agidi Jollof

By chinwe

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