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SWOT Analysis: What It Is and How to Use It to Drive Business Growth

SWOT analysis


  If you are going to be successful as an entrepreneur, running your business, no matter what business it is, you will need more than just a great idea. Running a successful business necessitates a strategic approach to planning and execution. And if you are an entrepreneur in Nigeria with its dynamic business environment, then you can’t afford not to have a strategic approach in place. One essential tool for this is the SWOT analysis.
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But what exactly is SWOT analysis, and how can you use it to drive business success in Nigeria? This article will provide you will answer this question for you and will go on to offer practical insights on leveraging it to enhance your business strategy. Whether you’re a startup founder in Lagos or a small business owner in Aba, understanding and applying SWOT analysis can be a game-changer for your venture.

What is SWOT Analysis?

The term “SWOT Analysis” is a strategic planning tool used to identify and analyze the internal and external factors that can impact the success of a business. SWOT here is an acronym and it stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Here’s a breakdown of each component:


These are the internal attributes and resources that give your business an advantage over others. This could include a strong brand reputation, a loyal customer base, or proprietary technology.


These refer to all the internal factors that could hinder your business’s performance. They might include a lack of capital, insufficient skills among staff, or poor location.


These are external factors that your business can exploit to its advantage. Opportunities could arise from market trends, technological advancements, or changes in regulatory policies.


Threats are challenges that could negatively impact your business but which are external to your business. That is to say, they are challenges posed by other entities, not you and you often have no control over them. They might also include economic downturns, increased competition, or adverse regulatory changes.

How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Conducting a SWOT analysis involves several steps. Below are some of the steps you could likely take to carry out a SWOT analysis for your business:
Gather Information
The first step to conducting an accurate SWOT analysis of your business is to collect necessary data about your business and its environment. This data includes financial reports, customer feedback, market research, and industry trends. There are so many approaches you can adopt to collect these. You can interview or ask your customers and staff for reviews, you can also use surveys, or you can engage the services of a business analysis consultant to help you in this regard.
Identify Strengths and Weaknesses
When you have collected the data, you will need to analyse the internal data to identify what your business does well and where it can improve. For instance, if your Nigerian startup has developed a loyal customer base in a short time, that’s a strength. On the contrary, if your business struggles with inventory management, that’s a weakness.
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Identify Opportunities and Threats
Look at external factors that could impact your business. This might involve studying market trends, analysing competitors, and keeping an eye on regulatory changes. For example, the rise of digital payment systems in Nigeria represents an opportunity, while fluctuating fuel prices are a major threat to every business, except if your business provides alternative power solutions then the high cost of fuel becomes an opportunity.
Create a SWOT Matrix
With your findings, you can develop a SWOT matrix. Organize your findings with strengths and weaknesses on the left, and opportunities and threats on the right. This visual representation makes it easier to understand the overall picture.
Develop Strategies
Use the SWOT matrix to formulate strategies. For instance, you might leverage your strengths to capitalize on opportunities or develop plans to address weaknesses and mitigate threats.

Applying SWOT Analysis To Your Nigerian Business or Startup

  Assuming you have just completed your SWOT Analysis and you have created a matrix, how would you apply the information to your business to aid your success?
Leverage Your Strengths
Suppose you run a tech startup in Lagos that has developed a robust fintech application. Your strength could be your innovative technology and a growing customer base. To leverage this, you could focus on expanding your marketing efforts to increase brand awareness and attract more users. Additionally, you could seek partnerships with established financial institutions to enhance credibility and reach.
Address Your Weaknesses
Imagine you own a small restaurant in Lagos and struggle with maintaining a consistent supply chain. Identifying this as a weakness allows you to explore solutions such as diversifying your supplier base or investing in better inventory management systems. By addressing these weaknesses, you can improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Capitalize on Opportunities
If you are a Nigerian agricultural business, the increasing demand for garri and alternatives to garri presents a significant opportunity. By recognizing this trend through SWOT analysis, you can pivot your business model to focus on garri and alternatives to garri, seek relevant collaborations, and market your products. This strategic shift could attract more consumers and boost sales.
Mitigate Noticed Threats
Suppose you run a clothing retail business in Nigeria and you’ve conducted your SWOT analysis and identified increasing competition from international brands as a threat. You might decide to differentiate your brand by emphasizing unique, locally-made designs and promoting the cultural significance of your products. Additionally, you could explore the use of technology such as e-commerce and social media to reach a broader audience and compete more effectively.

Real-Life Example

Jumia Nigeria
To help drive home the argument for SWOT analysis in your business, I have selected Jumia, one of Nigeria’s leading e-commerce platforms, as an example of effective SWOT analysis in action. So, let’s consider Jumia’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. To remain a thriving business, Jumia will need to continuously evaluate these factors, refine its strategies, capitalize on growth opportunities, and address challenges proactively.
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A well-executed SWOT analysis can be the difference between the success and failure of your business as an entrepreneur. By understanding your strengths, addressing your weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigating threats, you can develop robust strategies that drive your business forward. This is irrespective of where your business is located. Whether you’re within the bustling markets of Aba or any of the tech hubs of Lagos, incorporating SWOT analysis into your strategic planning can help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve lasting success.
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