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Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Ways To Use LinkedIn To Grow Your Business

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LinkedIn is about networking and connecting. And it’s not just about who you know but also the connections your existing contacts can get you. With LinkedIn, you can build from scratch and generate leads as long as you have a clear-cut strategy. Learn the basics of doing this by following the steps below:

Make a Compelling LinkedIn Profile

When it comes to LinkedIn, setting up haphazard or incomplete profiles can ruin your chances of generating leads in the long run. Even in cases where you set up a hundred percent profile’ based on LinkedIn’s terms, it’s still better to go the extra mile in making your profile look compelling and professional.  You can do this by adding advanced applications to your profile, telling people what your brand represents; whom it benefits and how it will benefit them. And don’t forget to share your story throughout your entire profile. Remember story-driven brands are more liable to resonate more with prospective customers.

Connect With Everyone

LinkedIn is one of the social media platforms which requires you to think outside the box when connecting with people. Connecting on this platform doesn’t just involve people you know but also other people in your industry, local market, and interesting people in general. At first, networking in this manner may look vague but in the grand scheme of things, opportunities can arise from anywhere and you don’t know the next contact the big offer may come from.

Offer Value

In order for you to receive, you must also give. Everyone on LinkedIn, including you, is looking forward to an opportunity that will propel them to their desired goals and you can leverage on this. Make a list of your close friends and colleagues and start endorsing and recommending them for the skills that they have. To do this, start leaving valuable messages on their profiles as testimonials of what they do.

Optimize Your Profile With Necessary Keywords

Keyword Optimization is also recommendable on LinkedIn as it is on Google because it makes your profile more accessible. Several organizations and companies are always on the look-out for professionals to hire so it is necessary to add specific keywords to your profile to raise the odds of them finding you. Doing this will ensure that your profile ranks higher on LinkedIn.

Be Active On Groups

This is another effective way in which you can join in discussions with like-minded people. LinkedIn Groups are just the right platforms for that. These are places where you can start conversations relevant to your niche with those who care to listen. These groups have come a long way from being poorly organized to being curated highlights. Through this, you can discover which groups are most active in your niche and join them. By doing this, you’ve gotten the ‘free ticket’ to talk with professionals in your niche and establish relationships.
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