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SME Spotlight: Jydes Finger Food And Drinks

Jydes Finger Food

  Small chops are often a delightful part of corporate and informal events. They are as much a treat to the jaws and tastebuds of attendees as the finely laid-out spaces of these occasions are to the eyes. The tastier these foods are, the merrier the guests tend to be.
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Numerous catering companies provide small chops for events. One of the better-known of these businesses is Jydes Finger Food and Drinks. Based in Lagos, it takes on and delivers the culinary needs for some of the city’s most high-profile corporate and private meetings. Jydes was founded by an ex-banker who had spent decades working in the finance industry. Thus far, this ‘second life’ seems to have turned out fairly well. Some of the company’s clients have been commercial banks. It has also served other high-profile companies. Jydes covers the catering demands for such occasions as weddings, sports, business meetings, birthdays, and conferences. Besides the big businesses that order its products, Jydes also takes requests from individuals, who may want little packages for lunch, after-work snacking, or house parties.
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The items on Jydes’ menu include small chops combos, shawarma, gizdodo, meatballs, chicken burger, and fries, chicken wings, hot dogs, chicken and chips, boli, and sauce, and peppered gizzards. Other fried foods, such as Mosa, puff-puffs, and yam balls are available too. There’s even a ‘kiddies menu’, embracing things like pancake hotdogs, chicken nuggets and fries, corndogs, and currant buns. Customers may order these products along with drinks; smoothies, cocktails, and mocktails are provided upon request and following quantities as specified by customers. Jydes takes orders from customers off of its website, which serves as its online store. Clients can also contact the company, or pick up packaged meals at its physical location Yaba, Lagos. Featured Image Source: Jydes Finger Food
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