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Relationship: Wars Worth Fighting For With Kids (Pt 1)

Raising kids is challenging. There is the fear of pushing them away by being too harsh. Or being seen as a weak parent if you don’t discipline them well enough. How does one balance these? First, you need to know you are not alone. Next, we have outlined a few areas worthy of fighting over with your kids. They are:

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Reading Time

With so many options of things to do to fill their time, kids dislike reading. But reading is core to the development of cognitive functions for kids. It helps them learn how to focus and use their minds/imaginations creatively. Start with colourful picture books, interactive books, age-related books, etc. to word-based games or apps, getting them to watch cartoons with subtitles or written words. You could even read to them in animated voices, tell them bedtime stories or expose them to audiobooks. Make the reading process fun for them. Reading is so valuable, it will serve them for life. Be a reader and inspire your kids to read too. The earlier they fall in love with reading, the better.

Reduced Screen Time

Thanks to our electricity challenge in Nigeria, kids must take breaks from watching TV daily. But once they do, they focus on game apps found on mobile phones or tablets. Rather than waiting for NEPA or PHCN to strike, be deliberate and schedule screen time. You can limit it to a few hours a day. Then fill the extra time with reading, going outside to play in nature or with neighbours within your vicinity.

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Let them get bored with unscheduled free time. They can use the time for indoor playtime that forces them to invent activities to deal with boredom. Most children will fall asleep when bored, but with time, they will learn to innovate and come up with activities to excite the brain. This could be the perfect time to teach them stillness, mindfulness, or meditation.


To be honest, as adults, we dread doing chores. But we do it anyway because we know the consequences of not doing it are detrimental to our wellbeing. For kids, they need to learn to make doing chores part of their lives. It teaches them responsibility and gives them an ownership mindset in the home. Growing up, let them learn to ‘work for their meals’ by contributing to doing chores. There are tons of lists online on age-appropriate chores for kids. Google that and use it as a guide. Don’t feel guilty asking them to do chores. You are not pawning your responsibility on them. Doing chores also teaches them hard work and life skills, such as problem resolution and proactivity.

Not all battles are worth fighting with children. You should know the ones to engage in. Keep watching this space on more battles parents should pick with their kids.



Featured Image Source: Bright Horizons
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