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Overcoming Uncertainties And Fears In 7 Powerful Ways


  All the people who have reached or attain great heights in life were or are people who have already faced or are facing the most difficult times in their lives, but like a plane, they have risen or are flying against the wind. The determination to continue becomes the catalyst. After all, the same author wrote that “If you think you can or you can’t, you are right”.  It is your personal decision.
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It has nothing to do with religious belief, academic achievement, or political cunning;  on the contrary, it has everything to do with psychological and mental strength. Each time, experience has shown that the best thing to do is to avoid dwelling on what went wrong or what did not work and just focus on some of the tips listed here. So here are a few things to remember when you’re faced with uncertainties and everything seems to be going wrong: Always remember that things will get better over time and never give up hope because the given challenges will not be there forever. In fact, you can decide how you want to see a given challenge and how you perceive it. You can still control your attitude and the way you react to what life offers you, even if you are not in full control of this situation. Always try to focus on the things you can influence instead of feeling hopeless and helpless, without trying to do anything to change that. While you might be overwhelmed by some of the challenges you face, when you take a closer look you will notice that all is not wrong and you still have a lot to be grateful for. Do that, and as Amy Morin (Associate Professor of University Psychology) said, “Intentionally seek the positive, even if it’s something very small.” Always try to remember that in the past, you overcame many other intimidating challenges and they all went well. Also, do not minimize the importance of the problems that you have successfully solved, because if you always remember that you have all the resources and the mental capacity that you need to face all kinds of problems, you will increase your confidence.
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You can overcome any challenge that comes your way if you believe in yourself, don’t give up, and declare defeat. Certain challenges are necessary for us to discover talents or traits or abilities hidden within us. You can overcome anything. When the going gets tough after you’ve done your part, you can still ask for help, but don’t ask for it if you haven’t done anything. Psychology says that your assistant is full of energy to help when there is a product of his own practical effort. It does not mean that you are weak or unable to cope with your own problems. Just that, you have reached a point where you realize that you need the support of others to make yourself feel better again. There is nothing to be ashamed of!  As Rona Barrett, (columnist and businesswoman) put it, “The strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it.” Most of the things you worry about today won’t matter in a few years, so follow Amy Morin’s advice and “Remember that everything that’s wrong now is just a little. Percentage of your real-life Even if you are dealing with a major problem, like the illness of a loved one, remember that a lot of good things are also likely to happen over the course of a year or two.” When faced with a challenge, it is extremely important to never give up hope. There is always a way out in every situation and you have all the resources you need to overcome any difficulties that may come your way. Source: Uche Ogah, Official Facebook Wall. Featured Image Source: News@TheU
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