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Nigerian Kate Anolue is the New Mayor of Enfield, London

Mayor of Enfield: Councillor Kate Anolue
Remarkable and positive news is coming from Nigerians in the Diaspora—people who are making the country proud and setting a worthy example of hard work, dedication, and duty. A UK-based Nigerian woman, Kate Anolue, is now the new Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield in the United Kingdom. Councillor Anolue represents Upper Edmonton Ward and was first elected to the Council in 2002. She took over from Councillor Christiana During. Anolue, who hails from Nanka in Anambra State, Nigeria, trained as a nurse. She has lived in Edmonton for more than 20 years and served as Deputy Mayor last year. She had followed her father’s desire for her to become a nurse and started her training in May 1972, eventually qualifying as a Registered Community/Hospital Midwife. Notably, she is also a qualified lawyer. Even though the position of Mayor is a ceremonial one, the title is given to not just any councillor. It places a distinction on a serving councillor who is respected by all the political parties. Anolue said she would devote most of her time to civic functions, including presiding over full council meetings—as well as acting as a returning officer during elections, and to giving attention to vulnerable children and young people. She declared that she would also want to raise money for children’s charities. “I have spent all this time delivering babies, I need to know that someone is looking after them,” she said. She said that although it was a big responsibility, it was a dignified and honourable thing to do. A particular charity she mentioned was the E18HTEEN Project. She said she would use her tenure to raise money for the project which supports teenagers between 16-19 in Enfield, Barnet and Haringey who are about to leave care to lead independent lives. She said also that she will be the Voice for sufferers of sickle Cell Anaemia and Thalassaemia. She was nostalgic about the absence of her family members. “I wish my father and my husband were here today to witness this event, but I know they are up there looking after me. Unfortunately, again, my mother could not be here, but I know she is with her Rosary somewhere praying for me.” Councillor Kate Anolue is the second black female Mayor of Enfield. Councillor Christiana During, whom she succeeded, was also a black woman. Some of the noteworthy positions she holds are Member, Racial Equality Council, Enfield, Panel Member of Health Scrutiny, Women officer for Labour Party Group, Governor of two schools in Enfield, and Vice Chairman Association of British Nigerian Councillors.   Written with reports from Enfield Independent
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