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Nigeria Listed Among World’s Top Fishing Economies

  Among the world’s ten fishing economies, three African countries have been listed to indicate the growing role fish farming plays as a vital source of economic opportunities, livelihood and nutrition for these countries. According to the data from the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), these African countries are Uganda, Tanzania and Nigeria, ranked 6th, 8th and 9th respectively on the category of the world’s top inland water capture. They account for the most fishes captured in inland waters – lakes and rivers – though these countries still combine modern and traditional methods in the past decades. To avoid a sharp decrease in fish production, the FAO advises that sustainable fishing practices be adopted. Ecological balance of the lake and river ecosystems must also be maintained. Data shows that the fish captured by two of these countries, Tanzania and Nigeria have increased compared to the last decades as demand has increased both locally and internationally in the years under review (2011 – 2012). It is therefore advised that the fish stocks be managed in a way that it should replenish. With efficient fish management practice, any possible decline in projected fish production will be averted to provide these countries a healthy source of nutrition and sustainable foreign exchange for their economies.  
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