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Motivational Monday: How To Better Manage Your Life

I was watching a YouTube video the other day about zen habits and time management, and it got me thinking. These days, we are confronted by so many distractions, have so many things going on at the same time, that it can become pretty easy to lose focus on whatever it is you want to achieve in life.

From smartphones to social networks, a lot of things now exist to disconnect us from the reality of our lives. You want to keep up with the news all over the world, trends in your industry, etc. These things get overwhelming, and to get a hold of one’s life; you need to make conscious decisions that will help you manage yourself better. Have A Focus You know how interviewers ask where do you see yourself in five years? It is a question that is supposed to give insight into how forward thinking you are about your own life. The first step into managing your own life is to know what it is you want to do with it. What goals and dreams do you have? How do you want to achieve them? The answers to these two questions should be your focus. Keep your focus at the forefront of your mind at all times, and you will find yourself firmly committed to it. Establish A Routine People rarely achieve anything with a haphazard behaviour. While it may be cute to call yourself a chronic procrastinator, to take control of your time and your life, you have to establish a routine that makes things go well for you. As someone who works from home, it is easy for me to get distracted by my TV or the duvet; have a quick nap then get some work done. When I tried that, my work suffered. So, I established a routine that structured my days and enable me get work done. Another thing with having a routine is the balance it gives you. You are not just going through the motions of life day by day. You already have a daily schedule that helps you focus on achieving your goals. Your routine can include a cup of water in the morning, followed by few minutes of exercise. You can spend a few minutes every morning just thinking, or spend your commute time working on a personal project instead of just staring out of the bus while in traffic. Avoid Distractions I know people say this is easier said than done, but it still bears mentioning. Distractions are just that, distractions. You are not going to fall off the surface of the earth if you don’t check Twitter in 2 hours. All the news you missed for those 2 hours will still be recycled, trust me. Spending your hours productively is important to achieving your goals and managing your life. To avoid distractions, make a to-do list. Then make it compulsory for yourself to achieve something on your list within a specified time. If you find yourself with free time, check your to-do list for undone tasks and tackle them. Little by little, you will be working towards your goals and become better at managing your life. Letting go of the need to stay informed is also important. While you are doing serious work, ignore Twitter, Facebook and the likes. When you need to relax or you have some down time, you can always catch up on social media. Be Selfless To become better at managing your life, you need to become better at helping people. Being selfless, giving back to the community gives you that “feel good” feeling, as well as the satisfaction that you are making an impact. It also ensures that people will return the favour and help you in your overall plans. To achieve anything important in life, one has to make a conscious and deliberate effort that will deliver the desired results. To get a hold of your life and become better at managing it, it is important to always make the right choices. About the author: Amina Salau is a writer and editor running The Illuminated Pen. You can find her online at  and on Twitter (@_Aminah)
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