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Microsoft Shares Unique Tech Tip for SME Growth at Connect Nigeria Business Fair

“Entrepreneurs must foster a culture of business innovation in order to survive in the present tech world.” These words summed up the talk by Femi George, data platform lead, Microsoft Nigeria, at the Connect Nigeria Business Fair which held on Saturday February 21st 2015. Key among the tips shared was the use of the Microsoft Cloud, a unique offering which has transformed some of the world’s greatest brands. The Microsoft Cloud helps keep your business agile, enables you to collaborate and network easily, and empower your employees to work from whichever devices they choose. By embracing the Cloud, Nigerian businesses are positioned to compete and excel in this fast-paced, technology-driven world. Urging participants at the fair to leverage the opportunities in the Cloud in building unique businesses, Mr. George reiterated, “Microsoft recognizes that, ‘in the digital age, technology has become the great equalizer, giving voice to your customers, partners, and employees and enabling your business to listen and become more responsive to customer needs and opportunities – using the connectedness of the cloud to respond with new business models, expanded channels and improved processes.’”  
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