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MaZi’no Appeal: Techniques for Creating Amazing Content for Radio

MaZi’no Appeal, On-Air Presenter on Smooth FM, famously known for The Smooth Breakfast Show and Destinations, was one of the speakers at the just-concluded Mind, Media and Money training hosted by One-23 Communications. He taught on the high value of quality content when it comes to presenting shows either on TV or on Radio. Knowing this fact is key for any aspiring TV or Radio presenter therefore, each presenter needs to ask what it is they have to offer their audience. The content you choose to pass across will determine the audience that would listen to you. The content you choose to pass across will also determine which advertisers are willing to partner with you. It is therefore important that all aspiring TV or Radio presenter determine their content and find ways to pass it across to their audience effectively. Most people think it is relatively easy to be a radio or a TV presenter. What they don’t know is the work presenters do behind the scenes (camera or mic) to make sure that the messages they pass across come out informative yet seamless and fun to listen to. Upcoming presenters need to understand that presenting on radio and TV takes a lot of preparation. It involves sourcing for content, patterning the content and figuring out how to keep listeners listening or viewers viewing. Beyond getting good and absolutely relevant content, it is important to figure out how you can keep your audience listening or viewing. The average listening span is about 45 seconds. The only thing that would keep them listening or viewing beyond 45 seconds would be your quality and delivery of content. Delivery of content requires that the presenter is audible, clear and precise in presenting content. Becoming involved in the production process will help tie up any loose ends. The use of sounds, creating ambience, effects or dividing your points into different segments will help bring your content to life. Make sure you are interacting with the audience. It helps when you already have a target group of people that will be listening to you.  
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