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Learn a Skill Wednesday: How to Set up a Website


  Contrary to popular belief, a simple website is quite easy to set up. You don’t necessarily have to be a tech geek to put up a professional presence online. I contracted my website to a web designer and after some back and forth filled with mistakes, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I mean, how hard can it be? If you are looking to set up a website to advertise your professional services for example, a website is the best. I’ll be showing you the simple process involved. Get a Domain Name To have a website address, you need a website name. Something like; www.(yourname).com. Your personal name or the name of your business is most advised, but you can use any name you want. This website address is what people type into a web browser to visit your website. Get A Hosting Provider Websites are hosted on the internet by hosting providers. Except you are using a blogger or WordPress website (hosted by Google and, you will need a hosting provider for your website. Once you get a hosting provider, their website should walk you through the process of checking the availability of your web address as well as the installation process. Bluehost is an example of a hosting provider that allows you set up a website with very easy steps. Install a Theme Once you have a website set up, you need to install a theme. A theme beautifies your website by allowing you customise with colours, fonts and a personalised designed. After installing a theme, you can then create pages such as “About us”, “Contact”, “Services”, etc. These pages will carry the contents of your website. Unless you need an e-commerce website where customers can pay for goods and services, or you need some complicated additions to your website, you can pretty much set up a website by yourself. Have you ever set up a website by yourself? Tell us how the process went in the comments below. About the author: Amina Salau is a writer and editor running The Illuminated Pen. You can find her online at  and on Twitter (@_Aminah).  
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