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Keys to Effective Succession Planning

By Kobe Eru Godwin
Succession planning is a concept that most Africans don’t give much thought to. This is one major reason why companies don’t last; they often die right after their owners’ demise. Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key business leadership positions in the company as they become available. It is what has kept companies like Microsoft, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, IBM, and a host of others, going strong after so many years.  These companies have being around for decades because among other things, they understood and practiced effective succession planning. With the global proliferation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s), issues of business succession and continuity have become increasingly common. When the owner of a business becomes incapacitated or passes away, it is often the case to find that the business which was otherwise healthy gets shut down. Proper planning helps avoid many of these glitches associated with succession and transfer of ownership. What’s more, the following statistics should further awaken you to your organization’s need for a succession plan: How then should a business owner or manager go about his/her succession plans? In many ways, succession planning is similar to any other strategic or business plan that companies undertake to recognize new customers or markets. All require analysis, planning, commitment to implementation, monitoring, periodic evaluation, and adaptability, as well as buy-ins from owners, family members, and key employees. Failure to put in place a proper succession planning process can ruin an organization in the long haul.
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