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Keeping Track Of Your Life: What It Is And Why You Should Consider It

Almost every venture we engage in requires us to effectively keep track of our activities to see success in those areas. Think of the businessman, the athlete, the artist, or even a taxi driver. These persons keep track of their activities because it helps them measure their progress and to keep themselves in check. However, it is funny how most persons do not also keep track of their own lives as much as they do their ventures. 
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Your life is your most important venture because it is the only venture you need to keep other ventures fully operational. So, it is only wise to keep track of the most important venture you have as much (or even more) as you do others. 

What Does It Mean To Keep Track Of Your Life

To keep track of your life refers to the art of intentionally and carefully taking note of everything that goes on in your life. You can agree with me that there are so many things that go on in your life within a normal 24 hour-day. Keeping track of your life will ensure you can track these activities, u

Why Do You Need To Keep Track Of Your Life

Keeping track of your life may sound elusive but there are so many reasons why keeping track of your life will benefit you as an individual. Below are a few of these reasons 
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Helps You Manage Time Effectively

Many people complain of not being able to have enough time to do what they want to do. But, the truth of the matter is that you have more than enough time to do just the important things you need to do. If you are having a challenge managing your time effectively, it means you are not fully in control of what goes on in your 24 hours. This is one of the things that keeping track of your life will help you achieve. It will enable you to understand and be able to take control of the things that go on in your life, so you can work on only the important things within the time you have available. 

Helps You Keep Track Of Your Growth 

Another important reason why you should consider keeping track of your life is that you can better able to track your growth per time. You can understand how far you have grown in any area of your life and how far you still need to grow in some other areas. That way you can make adequate provisions to cater for those areas of need. 

Helps You Lead A More Orderly Life

If you have noticed a certain level of disorderliness in the way you live your life or you have been maintaining a reasonable level of orderliness, keeping track of your life can help you improve in this regard and live a more orderly and organized life. 
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Help Boost Your Confidence Level

Knowing that you are aware of every single thing that goes on in your life and that you can change whatever you choose will leave you fulfilled and satisfied with yourself. This satisfaction and fulfilment when in place will go a long way to boosting your confidence level. More importantly, the confidence from this will be useful in every other area of your life, thereby leaving you more fulfilled and confident in those areas too. 

Closing Thoughts

The art of keeping track of your life may not appeal to you now based on where you are in terms of age, finance or social status. But, it will help improve every area of your life as an individual thereby ensuring you can get to whatever level you desire.  Featured Image Source: Great Oaks Recovery Centre
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