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Important Facts About Cancer You Should Know

Cancer as we all know is a troubling and persistent illness that has been on the rise for quite some time. It is the spontaneous and abnormal outgrowth of certain body cells called tumours, except in the case of leukemia where abnormal cell division causes abnormal blood function in the blood stream. This tissue continues to grow until it becomes malignant enough to cause death. Cancer can grow to interfere with several body systems like the respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, circulatory system, etc. Why does cancer grow? This is best understood if you can get your head around apoptosis; a term medical professionals use to describe the natural cycle of growth and death of cells in the body. It so happens that normally, some cells in our body grow up to a certain period in our body and then experience apoptosis. Contrary to this, the anomaly of a continuous growth of such a cell is the birth of cancer. Some are malignant enough that the tumour becomes fatal. What causes cancer? There are quite a number of agents that bring about the occurrence of cancer in our body. Carcinogens for example are a wide range of substances that can cause damages in cell DNA and result in abnormal cell growth. They include tobacco, arsenic, asbestos, gamma and X-ray radiation, certain levels of exposure to the sun, etc. Mutations in the genetic makeup of the DNA of a cell may cause a cancerous growth. Also, it is possible to be born with a certain genetic mutation that can cause cancer; this makes it hereditary. Cancer has been treated in different ways and some methods of treating cancer are becoming more effective. These methods include surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplants, hyperthemia, photodynamic therapy, blood product donation and transfusion. All these cancer treatment methods however are methods that can only help you manage the tumour growth or spread in the body. However, certain researches have paid off in cancer treatments, though the reason why patent has not been granted for this medications in medical homes is a puzzling situation. In May, 2011, it was published that a cure for cancer was developed by a team of researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. The team claims to utilise a simple technique with the basic drug, Dichloroacetate which has been very successful in the cure of breast, lung and brain cancers. Why major drug companies and the media are not interested in this discovery is hard to fathom. Also, a PH therapy has been known for a long time to be effective in cancer treatment; potassium, rubidium and especially caesium are effective in raising the PH value of a cancerous cell to activate the function of apoptosis in the cell. More amazing is that dichloroacetate and caesium only activate apoptosis in cancer cells without affecting cells in the area. Don’t give up in the search for that remedy, look hard and pray harder. Stay safe!   About the Writer: Bello Muhammad is a graduate of Biological Sciences. He is passionate about education and personal development. He is also a lover of chess who has featured in the West African University Games for his institution. You can contact him via Google+ and email:, phone 08152501891 and Twitter @Slimanic.  
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